Account Details: Clarendon Early Education Services
Not using caching due to subscribers logging in and not being able to take the courses.
Sunday, January 2, 2022
- + Updated to PHP 7.4
- + Optimized images for faster loading
- + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
- + Backed up database & full website before update
- + Updated to WordPress 5.8.2
- + Updated all plugins
- + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
- + Your site is using 1238 MB of disk space
Monday, October 11, 2021
- + Updated Gravity Forms to use v3 reCaptcha
- + Optimized images for faster loading
- + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
- + Backed up database & full website before update
- + Updated to WordPress 5.8.1
- + Updated all plugins
- + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
- + Your site is using 934 MB of disk space
Thursday, June 17, 2021
- + Updated to PHP 7.3
- + Removed deprecated ToolSet Types plugin, replaced with CPT UI plugin and migrated all custom post types
- + Optimized images for faster loading
- + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
- + Backed up database & full website before update
- + Updated to WordPress 5.7.2
- + Updated all plugins
- + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
- + Your site is using 668 MB of disk space
Monday, March 29, 2021
- + Cleaned up theme code to improve compatibility and help to avoid potential plugin conflicts
- + Removed obsolete code and deprecated internet explorer instructions
- + Improved database usage by limiting revisions to 6
- + Set up fallback email for Post SMTP plugin
- + Positioned email log link as a menu item in WordPress below "Forms" - labeled "Emails" - you can review this to check form submissions and be aware of any errors with emails being sent out from the website
- + Updated search result snippet title and meta description displayed when performing Google or Bing search
- + Optimized images for faster loading
- + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
- + Backed up database & full website before update
- + Updated to WordPress 5.7
- + Updated all plugins
- + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
- + Your site is using 690 MB of disk space
Thursday, December 17, 2020
- + Your site is using 609 MB of disk space
- + Set up monthly Analytics report
- + Optimized images for faster loading
- + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
- + Backed up database & full website before update
- + Updated to WordPress 5.6
- + Updated all plugins
- + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
Friday, September 11, 2020
- + Your site is using 493 MB out of 3 GB of disk space
- + Reconfigured custom login screen
- + Tested form submission
- + Optimized images for faster loading
- + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
- + Updated to WordPress 5.5.1
- + Backed up database & full website before update
- + Updated all plugins
- + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
Thursday, June 11, 2020
- + You are using 680 MB of disk space
- + Improved styles on the Call To Action box for responsive screen sizes
- + Scanned and verified website is free of any traceable malware
- + Optimized images for faster loading
- + Backed up database & full website before update
- + Updated to WordPress 5.4.2
- + Updated all plugins
- + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
- + Fixed mobile menu to scroll with longer drop down menus
- + Replaced deprecated Google Analytics plugin
- + Removed deprecated Stellar plugins
- + You are using 7.38 MB of Disk Space
- + Scanned and verified website is free of any traceable malware
- + Backed up database & full website before update
- + Updated all plugins
- + Backed up theme & database after update
- + Optimized images for faster loading
Thursday, December 19, 2019
- + Backed up database & full website before update
- + Updated to WordPress 5.3.2
- + Updated all plugins
- + Checked website for Malware
- + Did full maintenance checklist
- + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
Friday, October 4, 2019
- + Backed up database & full website before update
- + Updated to WordPress 5.2.3
- + Updated all plugins
- + Updated to PHP 7.2
- + Configured login page customizer plugin
- + Did full maintenance checklist
- + Set up recurring Monthly Analytics Report
- + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
- + Optimized images for faster loading
- + Set up JetPack Stats
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Disabled Caching due to subscribers logging in and not being able to take the courses.